alert ("You now are logged in! From now on, when you come to this page, you will be forwarded to the Password Protected Members-Only Area. Please do not tell anyone your entry code. At this new page, you will be shown a list of functions. Have fun!");
location.href = "cookie-in.html"
else {
DeleteCookie ();
cookieCreater ()
if(GetCookie('FreeStuffL') != null) {
function check() {
var tester = document.login.numOne.value + document.login.numTwo.value;
if (tester == "") {
alert ("I'm sorry, that code is not correct.");
if (tester == document.login.numThree.value) {
alert ("That is correct!");
cookieCreater ();
else {
alert ("Nope!");
// End -->
<!-- STEP TWO: Copy this code into the BODY of your login document -->
<form name='login'>
Enter your login code (FORMAT: login # one, login # two, login # three):